Exotic Jordan

8 Days / 7 Nights

Day 1: Mumbai-Amman

On arrival at Queen Alia International airport, proceed to the hotel. Amman, the capital of Jordan, derives its name from the ancient people of the Ammonites, whose capital the city has been since the 13th century BC. The Ammonites named it Rabbat ʻAmmān, with the term Rabbat meaning the “Capital” or the “King’s Quarters”. Check in at Hotel. Evening free. (D)

Day 2: Amman

After breakfast begin your full day tour with a visit of Jordan’s capital, Amman- a modern city with numerous ancient ruins. Atop Jabal al-Qala’a hill, the historic Citadel includes the pillars of the Roman Temple of Hercules and the 8th-century Umayyad Palace complex, known for its grand dome. Built into a different downtown hillside, the Roman Theater is a 6,000-capacity, 2nd-century stone amphitheater . Visit the the Archeology and the Folklore Museums, old and modern
Amman, and one of the many art galleries in this capital city to get a further glimpse of history and culture. Return to hotel in Amman for overnight (B, L, D)

Day 3: Amman-Jerash- Amman

After breakfast, morning tour of Jerash (Gerasa of antiquity), the best preserved city of Roman times; visit its theaters, temples, churches and colonnaded streets. Inhabited since the Bronze Age, Jerash is known for the ruins of the walled Greco-Roman settlement of Gerasa just outside the modern city. These include the 2nd-century Hadrian’s Arch, the Corinthian columns of the Temple of Artemis and the huge Forum’s oval colonnade. Return back to hotel in Amman for overnight. (B,L,D)

Day 4: Amman- Madaba-Mt. Nebo- Petra

After breakfast Drive southwards along the Kings’ Way to Petra. Enroute visit Madaba- southwest of the capital Amman, its known for its 6th-century mosaic map of the Holy Land in the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George. The Madaba Archaeological Park preserves the mosaic-rich Church of the Virgin Mary and artifacts from the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic eras. Northwest, the biblical hill of Mount Nebo overlooks the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. Then drive through the magnificent scenery of Wadi Mujib to Petra. Overnight in Petra. (B,L,D)

Day 5: Petra-Wadi Rum-Aquaba

Today visit Petra- the spectacular capital of the Nabatean Kingdom; one of the seven wonders of the world. Also called “ the Lost city” , it is accessed via a narrow canyon called Al Siq; it contains tombs and temples carved into pink sandstone cliffs, earning its nickname, the “Rose City “. Later drive 2 hours south of Petra, to a unique experience at the most magnificent place on earth- Wadi rum. After dinner proceed to Aquaba (B,L,D)

Day 6: Aquaba

Today after breakfast, at leisure to enjoy Aqaba. Aqaba has an ideal combination of city-life, beaches and history. The southernmost city in Jordan, Aqaba sits on the northeastern tip of the Red Sea and is surrounded by mountains and desert. Although there is a border between them, Aqaba is in very close proximity to Eilat, Israel’s most southern beach resort city. Aquaba’s beach resorts are popular for windsurfing and other water sports (B,L,D)

Day 7: Petra-Dead Sea

After breakfast, proceed to drive to the lowest point on earth-Dead Sea. It is a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the west. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River. The lake’s surface is 430.5 metres below sea level, making its shores the lowest land-based elevation on Earth Overnight at hotel in Dead Sea. (B,L,D)

Day 8: Dead Sea-Mumbai

After breakfast, transfer to Q.AI Airport for flight home with happy memories. (B)

Please Note: 

All of Exotic Jordan Travel Package itinerary could be subject to change.
Consultation charges are applicable for package customisation (adjustable against final package payment).